Book reading sessions are a lot like the bed time stories we grew up listening to during childhood. Perhaps the only difference was that those stories were an attempt to put us to sleep while book club’s challenge is to keep audience engrossed, and of course, awake.
While reading a new story solo is often a great way to relax, sometimes you just want to discuss what you’ve read with another person—or two—to bring those ideas off the page and into the world.
Membaca Yuk! is a reading session program initiated by @maradilla and @theoresiarumthe.
From now on, you can join them monthly at Boundary by bring your favorite book, read aloud your favorite quotes, and be a story teller to the group. Come by and let’s make friends by sharing our references to each other
Membaca Yuk!
with Maradilla Syachridar
November’s theme:
“Puisimu dan Puisiku”
(Bring your own favorite poetry book)
This session is FREE for public
Limited only for 10 persons
Wednesday, 24 November 2021
10 AM – 12 PM
At The House Tour Hotel Mid Town
Jl Panumbang Jaya 5 Bandung